ISM Manager provides an international standard for the safe management and operation of ships. ISM Manager is specifically developed for the shipping industry to fulfil the Safety Management System requirements of the ISM Code.
It simplifies the storage, updating and tracking of all documentation required by the ISM Code. Moreover it enables monitoring of event, non-conformities, incidents and accidents and provides full audit trail of the corrective actions and safety meeting minutes, while providing complete statistical and trend analysis.
ISM Manager is designed to handle controlled documentation creation, editing and approval. It allows version control of ISM documentation to be created based on a company-defined structure per vessel. Approval is based on a company-defined workflow, which allows documents to be distributed through the ISM Manager to the responsible persons.
The supported ISM Manager features include:
- Active calendar
- Automatic notification alerts and warnings
- Certificates and files
- Vessel Inspection, internal & external audits’ records
- Statistics
- Pending tasks
- Port state control & vetting records
- MOU description & country member recording
- Monitoring company changes to operating conditions or procedures
- Risk assessment
- Meeting
- Drills
- Critical situations monitoring
- Document control & file management
- Key Performance Index and other customized reports